
Jan 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Lloyd Alexander

          Today is the 90th birthday of author Lloyd Alexander (1924-2007), well known for his incredible high fantasy series The Chronicles of Prydain (which includes the books The Black Cauldron and the Newbery Award winning The High King). In 2012 I wrote a post about Alexander and the exhibits on BYU campus celebrating his life as well as the beautiful documentary film "Lloyd Alexander" created by Jared Crossley. In honor of Alexander's birthday, the cost of the film (DVD) has been decreased to only $10! Forever! This film is filled with interviews and photos and narration about Alexander's life, and is scored with beautiful music. It's perfect for schools, libraries, and for every fan of Lloyd Alexander's books. Seriously. I totally recommend this film. I own a copy and I love it. It's very heartfelt—you can feel the love, respect, and admiration that those interviewed and those behind the scenes have for Alexander and his work. You can view several clips from the documentary here: Lloyd Alexander Documentary Channel.
(photo above left: from E. P. Dutton, about 1971)
DVD cover for the "Lloyd Alexander" Documentary Film.


  1. I didn't they made a movie like this. I NEED to see it. Alexander is my all time favorite author. He means a lot to me as a reader. I read his books when I was younger, and they impacted my life. I still love them.

    1. You should get a copy, Kami! It's a great price and it's worth it. Such a beautiful film.


So, what do you think, oh Lovely Reader?