
Feb 19, 2013

Yummy, Yummy Fiction!

          Today I want to spread the love of some fellow foodies who focus on the yumminess of fiction (books, but not only books). There are other sites I could list, but I tried to stick with ones that related to youth books (because that's what my blog is dedicated to!).

          Don't forget to check out my "Banquet of Books" page here on the blog as well as my overflowing "Books + Food = Heaven" Pinterest board where you'll find links to recipes inspired by youth books as well as cookbooks related to specific series.

          And just FYI, the two cookbook entries at the top of the list are there because I know the authors. I actually met them in person a few days ago! I could list other cookbooks too, but that'd make for a waaaaaay long post and a lot of redundant work for me. Just go to my Pinterest board for that, please! (the cookbooks, not the redundancy.)

Christy Dorrity author of The Book Blogger's Cookbook eBook series.
These recipes are inspired by themes from the books Christy has read throughout the year.
The books also contain reviews by book bloggers (a couple of my reviews are in the 2012 cookbook)!
Check out Christy's Book Blogger's Cookbook Pinterest board!
Only 99¢!

Shaunda Kennedy Wenger & Janet Kay Jensen co-authors of The Book Lover's Cookbook:
Recipes Inspired by Celebrated Works of Literature & the Passages that Feature Them.

Awesome, fun, & yummy webseries (my favorite)!

(Cake to celebrate the 50th anniversary of A Wrinkle in Time by Medeline L'Engal)

(Beorn's Honey Cake from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein)

(Marilla's Plum Puffs from Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery)

(Traveling Fruit & Honey Cake from Marlfox in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques)

And did you know that April 1st is Edible Book Day? No Joke!
Groups all over the world celebrate by having Edible Book Festivals!
If there's not an event near you, why don't you start your own? Yay! I think I will!

Do you know of other sites that have recipes for youth books?
Share in the comments below!

1 comment:

So, what do you think, oh Lovely Reader?