
Oct 12, 2012

Eoin Colfer Provo Library Presentation (Video)

          This was such a FUN author visit (back in July). Eoin Colfer (pronounced like the name Owen, well, it IS the name Owen, only from Ireland) is the author of over twenty books including the hugely popular, now 8 book and complete, YA, Artemis Fowl series. And he's from Ireland. And has an accent. And follows in the long line of Irish storytellers--they have that way about them (I know this from previous experience, and from television). Anyway, enjoy this video of the presentation. You'll love it!
          ((And, I've probably not happened upon it, but I'm not sure yet why Artemis is a boy but named after a female goddess--which it actually the Greek equivalent to my name, Diana. There is a boy version of the name, it's Artimus. Is the name issue in the books? Can someone explain it to me?))
          An interesting tidbit, Eoin wrote And Another Thing, the sixth and final book in Douglas Adams' increasingly inaccurately named trilogy, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Adams is passed away, but Eoin was specially chosen to conclude the series with the aide of Adams' notes. Adams' widow said, "[I] could not think of a better person to transport [the characters] to pastures new". She gave her full support to the project. I think that is just too cool. I love hearing about official additions to series. The Hitchhiker's series is my husband's favorite, so I got his copy of And Another Thing signed by Eoin. Cookies for me!
 Places to visit Eoin:
* Website
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Goodreads
* Artemis Fowl website
* Artemis Fowl Facebook page


  1. Nice post.

    Good luck in the contest.

    Silver’s Reviews

  2. Oh goodness. I actually stopped reading the series (just because I forgot) byt every time someone mentions it my interest is piqued. TO THE LIBRARY. XD.I can't explain the name but I am POSITIVE there's a reason. :)

    1. I don't know if you were able to watch the video, I think it wasn't working, but I fixed it!


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