
Jun 28, 2012

(YA) Freedom to Read Giveaway Blog Hop!

          Hooray for blog hops! This one is hosted by Mundie Moms and I Am a Reader, Not a Writer. Click the image to the right for the complete list of participating blogs.
          For my giveaway I'm offering an ARC (advanced reader's copy) of Kimberly Pauley's new YA fantasy, Cat Girl's Day Off. It's clever, funny, action-y, and a great read for Summer. Please click here for my previous post on the book, including recipes for some yummy tuna sandwiches! To enter the giveaway, scroll down and fill in the Rafflecopter form.

          Born in California and now living in London, Kimberly Pauley is the founder of YABooks Central and the author of Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe), Still Sucks to Be Me: More All-True Confessions, and several short stories. A third installment of the Sucks to Be Me series is in the works. And you know what else? She's even got an online T-shirt shop for her books.
(From Goodreads)
          Natalie Ng’s little sister is a super-genius with a chameleon-like ability to disappear. Her older sister has three Class A Talents, including being a human lie detector. Her mom has laser vision and has one of the highest IQs ever. Her dad’s Talent is so complex even the Bureau of Extra-Sensory Regulation and Management (BERM) hardly knows what to classify him as.
          And Nat? She can talk to cats.
          The whole talking-to-cats thing is something she tries very hard to hide, except with her best friends Oscar (a celebrity-addicted gossip hound) and Melly (a wannabe actress). When Oscar shows her a viral Internet video featuring a famous blogger being attacked by her own cat, Nat realizes what’s really going on…and it’s not funny.
          (okay, yeah, a frou-frou blogger being taken down by a really angry cat named Tiddlywinks, who also happens to be dyed pink? Pretty hilarious.)
          Nat and her friends are catapulted right into the middle of a celebrity kidnapping mystery that takes them through Ferris Bueller’s Chicago and on and off movie sets. Can she keep her reputation intact? Can she keep Oscar and Melly focused long enough to save the day? And, most importantly, can she keep from embarrassing herself in front of Ian?
          Find out what happens when the kitty litter hits the fan.

Places to visit Kimberly:
* Website
* Goodreads
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Rufus Brutus III (the cat on the cover) on Twitter!
* T-shirt shop
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I just picked this book up from a library event!

    1. Cool, Kami! I was at the Provo Library book swap too and saw it there! I was tempted to get it in order to do a double giveaway, but there were so many other books I was interested in! From your blog I see that you picked up Waiting also. I had that in my hand for a few minutes! And I did NOT see Life As We Knew it or Howl's Moving Castle. Please tell me they weren't in hardcover or I'll die for not having stuck around at the event longer!

  2. i like the book title and woud be interested and wanted to blog on it wow pink cat


So, what do you think, oh Lovely Reader?