
Jun 20, 2012

(PicBk) I Believe in Jesus Too

          I Believe in Jesus Too, Mark S. Nielsen's debut, Latter-day Saint children's book, is lush in illustration and calming in text. You and your little one can travel to distant lands, meet smiling children, and feel the love of the Lord with each turn of the page.
          Nielsen guides readers through simple testimony from attending church to singing hymns, praying to reading scriptures, and participating in family home evening to being baptized.
          Artist Craig Stapley's vivid illustrations on every page blend perfectly with Nielsen's soothing words to create a rich experience for the big reader and little on-looker alike.
(Art by Craig Stapley. Half of a two-page spread.)
          I read this book with my almost two year-old daughter (July 2nd!) sitting on my lap and she settled down and focused on the book the moment I opened the cover. I read the words out loud and pointed to the children in the illustrations and she pointed to things in the illustrations too, like the warm yellow glow and the squirrels peeking in the window while Claire in Canada has chocolate chip cookies and milk for family home evening (seriously, it's a two page spread [1/2 shown right] and she loves it. She pointed to so many things in that picture and had so much to say about it!).
          I Believe in Jesus Too is a beautiful picture book for young children in the Latter-day Saint community.
(From Goodreads)
          All around the world, Latter-day Saint children go to church, sing songs, pray, read scriptures, participate in family home evening, and get baptized. We may meet in different types of buildings or speak different languages, but we have a lot in common. Why? Because no matter where we live, we all love and believe in Jesus, and He loves each one of us just the same. Are you like Pablo, Dimitri, Bayani, Junpei, and Shamara? Do you believe in Jesus too?
Places to visit Mark S. Nielsen:
* Website
* Facebook
Places to visit Craig Stapley:
(Craig Stapley has also done many illustrations for the Highlights, Friend, & Liahona magazines as well as the cover for Dave Stone's middle grade book, Carnival.)
* Website
* Facebook
* Twitter


  1. Sounds like a cute book. My 2yo loves books too!

    1. Doesn't it just make you feel so pleased to have a little one who likes books?


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