
Feb 25, 2012

Writerly Saturday: Yes.

I'm still alive. And I have been writing. I am also now an author's assistant.

So LTUE happened and it was amazing. But I think I overextended myself. I got frustratingly sick afterwards. I got out of whack with my habit of posting, BUT I reworked the first chapter of one of my WIPs and submitted it for a contest AND I worked crazily (like over 10,000 in two days and then a ton of revisions) on what was supposed to be a short story and then became almost a novella and then settled nicely into the novelette niche. That was an amazing experience. And then I was asked by MG author Eric (E. J.) Patten (The Hunter Chronicles through Simon & Schuster) to be his assistant. Like, Wow. Totally. And I've been going into that full speed. And then there's school and being a wife and a mother. And I can't tell you how amazing my husband is. So, so patient and supportive.

Anyway, so I've been busy, just not blogging. Here's me saying hello though,
And I think you all are wonderful.

I probably won't be posting as much as I used to. I mean, everyday is kind of extreme and I usually turn every post into a mini research paper. I will still post. Especially the "Yummy Mondays" in March in honor of The Hunger Games movie (remember I have the Unofficial Cookbook?).

Because it is "Writerly Saturday" I will touch on the differences between the writings mentioned above, concerning length.

Short Story: Usually prose. No set word count, but obviously not a lot. Apparently it depends on the author's preference, and submission guidelines relevant to market.
Novelette: Prose. Longer than a short story but shorter than a novella. According to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the word count is between 7,500 and 17,499.
Novella: Also called a short novel. Prose narrative. The name means "new" in Italian. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America set the word count between 17,500 and 40,000. Others say as low as 10,000 and as high as 70,000.
Novel: Prose. More words than all the others.

So I wrote a novelette (it's roughly 8,600 words in its present state) called "Three Brothers in the Bridge of Shadows". I'm in love with the brother characters and I had such a fun time writing it. The story is actually bigger than what it is now, but I pared it down in order to submit it to a short story anthology. As you see though, it is over the short story limit by about 1,600 words. So I might be disqualified. (It was almost 11,000 words, but I severely edited it in order to enter). Ah well. I don't mind. The experience is what is important and it has been awesome.

Also, if any of you are interested in being part of a blog tour for Eric Patten's book, Return to Exile, please let me know in the comments. And feel free to visit this tour site I've put together.

Thank you, Everyone!

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