
Jan 29, 2012

The Week in Review & A Look Ahead

The Week in Review:

     I'm a member of an awesome little book club called Once Upon A Time. As you can guess, we read fairy tales! Grimm brothers particularly at this point. On Thursday we had a meeting at The Chocolate in Orem (yumm!) and hashed out the club details. If you're local (Utah Valley) and you'd like to be a part of the Once Upon A Time book club, leave a comment on this post letting me know!

     This past Friday was the Provo City Library Used Book Sale. The ballroom was full of books at super cheap prices. I picked up several (listed below, along with other books I got this week) including a ton of DC comics for my husband.

     Saturday, Jan. 28th, the free tickets became available for the upcoming, Feb. 7th, Rebecca Stead lecture. The lecture is part of the Provo City Library's ProvoREADS! program and features Rebecca's Book When You Reach Me and Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Click here for more info about this upcoming lecture!

Oscar, Cat About Town by James Herriot
The Secret of Saying Thanks by Douglas Wood, illustrated by Greg Shed (duplicate copy for later giveaway)
ARC of Shatter Me by Tahera Mafi
A little Japanese color & counting board book
Airel by Aaron Patterson
The Bakkian Chronicles, Book 1: The Prophecy by Jeffrey M. Poole (won from the author on Goodreads)
Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (duplicate copy for later giveaway)

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Just as Good by Chris Crowe
Time Gangsters by Berin Stephens (early release)

A Look Ahead:

     On Thursday, Feb. 4th from 5 PM - 7 PM, there will be a multi-author book signing at Pioneer book in Orem. MG author Andrea Pearson (the Kilenya series) will be signing with grown-up authors Tristi Pinkston (whose release party it will be!), Heather Justesen, and Nicole Giles. Click here for more info.

     Saturday, Feb. 4th from 4 PM - 7 PM, author Berin Stephens will have an Open House, Launch Party at his home in Orem to celebrate his new release, Time Gangsters! There will be food and games and prizes --and coming dressed up in 1920's garb is encouraged! Click here for the details.

And don't forget to get your tickets for the many cool conferences and performances coming up!
Check out the Events page for the list!


  1. This sounds like it'd be a blast. What a bummer I'm moving. =D

    1. I know! But the east coast is a pretty cool place (at least, i think that's where you mentioned you'd be going...).


So, what do you think, oh Lovely Reader?