
Nov 26, 2011

Writerly Saturday: Wordplay Podcast

      The Wordplay Podcast began at the end of August as a resource for both writers and readers. There are now 11 episodes! The show is hosted by three YA/MG authors; Jeff Scott Savage (Farworld series), Nathan Bransford (Jacob Wonderbar & the Cosmic Space Kapow), and James Dashner (The Maze Runner trilogy, 13th Reality series). The show has featured several author guests including Ally Condie, Aprilynne Pike, Rick Walton, Anne Bowen, Chris Grabenstein, Kiersten White, and Andrea Cremer. There's even been a literary agent or two!
(From the Wordplay Podcast website)
"Welcome to Wordplay, a weekly podcast for readers and writers of all ages. In our twenty minute episodes, we discuss any and all topics related to writing and reading books. The third episode of every month is dedicated specifically to kids ages eight and up. Teachers, librarians, and parents are invited to share the episodes with their students and try the activities we introduce."
     How cool is it that they do a special episode every month just for kids? Very cool. And something else awesome? They often do giveaways. So check these great author guys out! (Come on, I mean their podcast.)

And Wordplay updates are available on Facebook & Twitter!

1 comment:

  1. you won a giveaway at my blog! please come redeem your prize soon!


So, what do you think, oh Lovely Reader?