The Week in Review:
Monday was Brandon Sanderson's midnight release party for The Alloy of Law, his newest Mistborn book. I didn't go! I had my little copy of Alcatraz all ready, but the bookstore said that Brandon couldn't do any signings before the midnight release of AOL. I forgot to mention here that the party started at 9 PM. Anyway, I didn't think it wise to take my wee one onto campus with me that late. SO I'll just wait for another, more tame Brandon Sanderson signing. If such a one exists.
The BYU Bookstore had their Holiday Book Talk on Tuesday (see Friday's detailed post). It was great! I got some sweet swag and learned about a lot of new books.

NaNo wise, this was a great week and I even made it to one of the write-ins. The one on Friday evening at The Chocolate in Orem (yeah, if I'm going to make it to one, might as well be at a place like that right? Pastries? Hot chocolate? Yes, please. Though I did spill hot chocolate on myself. Most of it made it in my mouth though, and none got on my NaNo so all was well.) I'm almost at 50% total for NaNoWriMo. And you've got to go to this cafe. It's great. I mean, it's called "The Chocolate" for heaven's sake.

The November Blog Hop Giveaway ended on the 11th. The winner was Charlotte @ Charissa Books. The next blog hop I'll be participating in will be from December 2nd to the 6th.
(and FYI: I just found this blog post by Ally and Rob concerning Crossed. Go on an Outer Provinces road trip!)
Acquired this week:
Inheritance Cycle boxed set by Christopher PaoliniHazzardous Universe by Julie Wright, illustrated by Kevin Wasden (signed by Julie, won from Precision Editing Group's Write-a-thon)
Happily Ever After by Terrell Young (BYU professor)
Variant by Robison Wells (yes, another copy)
Bound (Crystor series, Book 1) by C. K. BryantBecome (Desolation, Book 1) by Ali Cross
Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle, Book 4) by Christopher Paolini
A Look Ahead:
On Tuesday, Nov. 15th at 7 PM, "The Princess and the Goblin" play will be presented for free at the Orem Library in the storytelling wing. The play is based on the George McDonald story of the same name. (the play will also be presented on December 1st). Here's the info.
Saturday, November 19th, the tickets for the December 2nd Christopher Paolini lecture at the Provo Library will be available starting at 9 AM (at the library, of course). Click here for details.
Also on Saturday the 19th, at 2 PM, Richard Paul Evans will be doing a book signing at the Provo Sam's Club.
And thirdly! on Saturday, LDS, YA authors Jenni James (The Jane Austin Diaries) and Andrea Pearson (the Kilenya series) will be signing at Pioneer Book in Orem from 1 - 3 PM. LDS author Tristi Pinkston (The Secret Sisters mysteries) will also be joining them. Jenni will be holding a giveaway for a huge make-up set and will also have hand-made flower pens to give out.
Upcoming Releases:
Tell me, please! What do we need to know about?
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