Week in Review:

It was a great lecture geared towards pepping up the English majors, but she also told about her journey to publication and her job as an editor.
Golden Cup of Kardak is her as yet, one-and-only YA book which is only available in eBook format right now. Annette said that it will be available in hard copy in the near future. I'll post her complete lecture soon(-ish).
Friday evening was Provo City Library's Scary Stories in the Attic. It really was up in the attic. The space was all decked out and dim and a witch came and told creepy stories like Poe's Tell Tale Heart, a story about a bad scientist, two bad farmers, a mean girl who stole candy, a woman with a broken arm, and a woman with a golden one. There were also riddles which I guessed all quickly and correctly, but I didn't raise my hand so that the kids in the room could guess and get the reward candy (but other grown-ups answered. I should have too! And brought the candy bar home to my husband. Oh well.)
Tickets for the Ally Condie Teen Book Fest keynote address became available this past Saturday, Oct. 29th. You need to be a Provo Library cardholder in order to get one (or six). Ally's lecture will be from 12:00 - 1:00 PM on Saturday, Nov. 12th. The whole, non-ticketed part of the Fest will begin at 1:00 PM and go until 5:00 PM. Please go to Provo library's page for more info.
My husband, daughter and I had a ward (church group) function to go to. Here's a picture of me and my wee one -my little demi-god (I am named after a goddess after all. Though the chaste one. That didn't quite work out now did it?).
(There was also a Richard Paul Evans book signing, but I've already got his autograph in my copy of Michael Vey. If you wanted an autograph but missed him this time, he will be signing at the Provo Sam's Club on November 19th at 2PM.)
Books acquired:
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (won from Willy B's blog [he was so kind and wrote on his blog that people should check out my blogs! So please go over to his!])Seers (Seers trilogy, Book 1) by Heather Frost (LDS, won from Cedar Fort [on their Facebook page])
Mr. Monster (John Cleaver trilogy, Book 2) by Dan Wells (LDS)
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George (LDS)
(I also won a signed bookmark from SupaGurl Books for the upcoming Eternal Starling by Angela Corbett.)
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George (LDS)A Look Ahead:

There will be a Dan Wells lecture at the Orem Library, Tuesday, Nov. 1st at 4:00 PM in the media auditorium. Just a day after Halloween -that's okay. Maybe the creepy will linger with us and Dan can use it to his advantage (he is a horror author after all).
On Thursday, Nov. 3, Donald Davis, author and storyteller, will present in the storytelling wing of the Orem Library at 7:00 PM. He is well versed in Appalachian Jack Tales as well as other folk and fairy tales including Welsh and Scottish. He also shares meaningful, real-life stories.
Darkspell by Elizabeth Mueller (LDS) Oct. 31st Crossed (Matched trilogy, Book 2) by Ally Condie (LDS) Nov. 1st
Tiger's Voyage (Tiger's Curse, Book 3) by Colleen Houck (LDS) Nov. 1st
Nightingale (enhanced eBook) by David Farland (LDS) Nov. 4th
I always love this time of year! Pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, PUMPKIN PIE!!!! I am a terrible foodie and cannot resist great food!
Haha! I totally agree! This time of year especially is great for warm and cozy, good-smelling food.